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영성 생태론: ‘살아 있는 지구’ 가설의 철학적 토대

논문 개요

기관명, 저널명, ISSN, ISBN 으로 구성된 논문 개요 표입니다.
기관명 NDSL
저널명 동양문화연구

논문저자 및 소속기관 정보

저자, 소속기관, 출판인, 간행물 번호, 발행연도, 초록, 원문UR, 첨부파일 순으로 구성된 논문저자 및 소속기관 정보표입니다
간행물 번호
발행연도 2011-01-01
초록 This thesis is a study on the spiritual attitude that has influence upon natural ecosystem of the earth. This spiritual attitude reflects on the global environmental pollution that is resulted from the industrialization and capitalization in the modern times, and it contributes to the establishment of social campaign to keep the earth safe from ecological crisis. So this spiritual attitude helps us construct a relationship between man and nature in the ordinary life.To establish this attitude, we have to examine the limits of classical physics and understand the characteristics of modern physics, especially the theory of relativity and quantum theory(ch. 2). And then we need to reflect on the relation between modern western science and classical eastern mysticism, especially Hinduism, Taoism, and Zen Buddhism(ch. 3). Finally we inquire into the self regulation ability of 'a living earth' hypothesis(ch. 4), from which we think the spiritual ecology is well explained.
원문URL http://click.ndsl.kr/servlet/OpenAPIDetailView?keyValue=03553784&target=NART&cn=ATN0030046305


과학기술표준분류, ICT 기술분류,DDC 분류,주제어 (키워드) 순으로 구성된 추가정보표입니다
ICT 기술분류
DDC 분류
주제어 (키워드) 영성 생태론,과학의 영성,가이아: 살아 있는 지구 가설,자기 조직하는 생명,the spiritual ecology,spirituality of science,Gaia: &apos,a living earth&apos,hypothesis,F. Capra,self regulating life