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중재인의 근로자성과 자격요건 - 영국 대법원의 2011년 Jivraj v Hashwani 판결을 중심으로 -

논문 개요

기관명, 저널명, ISSN, ISBN 으로 구성된 논문 개요 표입니다.
기관명 NDSL
저널명 중재연구 = Journal of arbitration studies
ISSN 1226-3699,

논문저자 및 소속기관 정보

저자, 소속기관, 출판인, 간행물 번호, 발행연도, 초록, 원문UR, 첨부파일 순으로 구성된 논문저자 및 소속기관 정보표입니다
간행물 번호
발행연도 2016-01-01
초록 This paper reviews the Supreme Court decision of the United Kingdom in Jivraj v. Hashwani (2011) concerning the employment issue of arbitrators, falling within the exception of genuine occupational requirement under the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, and nationality of arbitrators. In 2011, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom delivered its judgment in Jivraj v. Hashwani, unanimously overturning decision of the English Court of Appeal. The facts of this case and the decision of the Court of Appeal have been widely discussed. The decision of the Supreme Court has been met with approval within the international arbitration community in London, having restored the legal position to that prior to the Court of Appeal's ruling. Thus, the Supreme Court unanimously overturned the Court of Appeal's finding that arbitrators are the employees of the arbitrating parties. Arbitrators were held to be genuinely self-employed, and therefore outside the scope of the Regulations or Equality Act(2010). As such, the anti-discrimination provisions are not applicable to the selection, engagement or appointment of arbitrators. Most importantly, the Supreme Court's finding that arbitrators are not employees removes the possibility of challenges to arbitration agreements on the grounds that they are in breach of the Equality Act. As a practical matter, parties no longer need to consider carving out nationality provisions when drafting arbitration agreements.
원문URL http://click.ndsl.kr/servlet/OpenAPIDetailView?keyValue=03553784&target=NART&cn=JAKO201610252175431


과학기술표준분류, ICT 기술분류,DDC 분류,주제어 (키워드) 순으로 구성된 추가정보표입니다
ICT 기술분류
DDC 분류
주제어 (키워드) 중재인의 자격,중재인선정계약,중재인의 근로자성,중재인의 지위,종교 또는 신념에 의한 차별,중재인의 국적,영국 평등법,직업상의 요건,Qualifications for Becoming an Arbitrator,Arbitrator's Contract,Arbitrator's Position as Employee,Nature of Workers,Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003,Arbitrator's Nationality,Discrimination on the Grounds of Religion or Belief,Occupational Requirement